IPA Group releases its first Integrated Report

The IPA Group has completed a three-year transition to Integrated Reporting, releasing a report that includes financial and non-financial factors to improve the organisation’s ability to deliver value to members. 

by | 8 Jan, 2024

Cover and pages of the IPA Group Integrated Report 2022-23

IR is a strategic approach that provides a comprehensive view of organisational value creation through corporate reporting.

With input from members, students, employees, regulators, partners and other key stakeholders, the IPA Group’s first IR incorporates non-financial factors including environmental, social and governance (ESG). 

IR frameworks enable teams to identify and create greater value for members, mitigate risk, improve governance and performance, and report on aspects of the organisation relevant to key stakeholders.

The three-year transition process

In November 2020, the transition to IR was endorsed and, since then, the IPA Group Board has had oversight of the transition process.

View the report here.

An IR team, led by IPA Group COO Brett Maloney, Group Executive Advocacy and Policy Vicki Stylianou, and representatives from other parts of the business, developed a comprehensive IR framework encompassing the eight core elements of the International Financial Reporting Standards’ IR framework:

  • Organisational overview and external environment
  • Governance
  • Business model
  • Risks and opportunities
  • Strategy and resource allocation
  • Performance
  • Outlook
  • Basis of preparation and presentation

View the report here.

The Board, having reviewed and approved the IR principles and capital throughout the transition process, approved the report at a meeting in September 2023, affirming that it adheres to the IR framework. 

The report

The IPA Group report provides an overview of IPA Group operations in Australia, Asia, the United Kingdom, and other parts of the world.  

It also details the factors that influence the IPA Group’s sustainability and the actions the organisation is taking to respond to these factors. The factors identified by members include new technologies, regulatory change and the health of members and their families.

IPA Group is mitigating these risks through a partnership with The Male Hug, workplace mental health training, a community-building member platform, the Benevolent Fund, ICT initiatives, the Education Transformation project and other targeted initiatives. 

The IR process systematises the protection of our community, members and profession. 

The IPA Group integrated report highlights the relationships between operations, and identifies how they contribute to valuable outcomes. View the report here.

Find out more – download the report.

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