12 ChatGPT prompts for accountants

Wondering how ChatGPT and generative AI tools can help you? We’ve sourced 12 prompts that can help accounting professionals in practice or small business to save time on day-to-day tasks or add value for clients and colleagues.

by | 14 Sep, 2023

woman looking at the computer

Generative AI tools are only as useful as their prompts – try different versions with more or less detail to tailor these to your specific needs, or ask ChatGPT to refine its responses. Try ‘simplify that’ or ‘shorten that’ in a thread to see ChatGPT produce a new version.

Anything produced by generative AI also needs to be fact-checked – AI does hallucinate, making up facts and mixing up stats – so the human oversight is still essential. Finally, no sensitive or personal data should ever be used in a ChatGPT prompt – a good rule of thumb is to never enter any information you wouldn’t publish. 

Hover over each card to find out more.


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